Friday, February 26, 2010


'Found some really neat photos on Flickr tonight. I guess I am starting to see what people are so excited about. I stumbled onto Tessuti's Fabrics--fabulous!


  1. Okay, I just used Big Huge to generate a magazine cover of one of my photos of the HEB Book Swap. I had snapped a photo of a model-like mom, child and a teacher. The image generator allowed me to put them smack on the cover with headlines. I can see this being a useful way to give some recognition to students who accrue lots of Reading Counts points or read all 20 Bluebonnet books. Or for people who volunteer in the library. The latter could be photographed and placed on the cover of their own magazine, just like Oprah. I did not think this was very hard.

  2. Wow, I just visited Julie Vela's blog and sustained an instant inferiority complex. Her blog is so cool--with a movie about Dewey the Library Cat and all of her comments neatly archived. But I do agree with her on one thing--the best part so far has been creating my very own blog. Julie is just so good at what she does.
