Thursday, April 29, 2010

Reflections on HEB23

First of all, my favorite discovery was that completing the program was not all that hard once I got started. At first I tried to make it more difficult than it truly was.

My second favorite discovery was podcasting and how very basic it is. It seemed very mysterious to me before, but now that I have a little bit better handle on it I would like to use it next year with sixth graders. There is a very computer savvy teacher here who works with sixth graders and I want to try getting the students to produce book reviews and podcast them.

I also enjoyed the image generators, especially It was fun to "doctor" up digital photos.

The program has affected by lifelong learning by reinforcing how quickly technology leaves us all behind unless we actively chase after it! But, by running after it and jumping on the bus (so to speak) we will tend to stay abreast of our patrons. Libraries must do this to stay dynamic and viable.

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